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Why Business Value is so Important and How to Make the Most of It. 

Man Standing Outside Shop
CEO Tom Bronson

Tom Bronson, CEO of Mastery Partners and Value Expert is the host to our VALUE Webinar. 


I am not trying to bust your bubble. There is enough value out there to go around. Plenty to help you achieve your big audacious dreams. 


The problem is finding it!


We have a tool that helps you - the business owner -  Maximize Business Value so that you can grow a thriving business that is ripe for a buyer or well-positioned to hand it off to the next generation. We want you to be part of the 17% of business owners that successfully transition their businesses on their terms - a 17%er.


Join us at our next webinar on September 9th to see why Business Value is so important and how you can make the most of it to transition on your terms. And then continue on with us September 13-17th for our Value Challenge. 

What you do today has tremendous implications on your business value down the road. Take the time NOW to determine what drivers impact your business value. Join our Value Challenge to see how you can Maximize Business Value.

TRA Value Challenge Graphic

I want to be a 17%er!
Register for the webinar AND 
Sign up for the TRA VALUE Challenge!

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